Sunday, 17 April 2011

An odd link and one not likely to be repeated......

It is not often, in fact this is the first time (from memory), that I have linked to Left Foot Forward, however this is an interesting read.


john in cheshire said...

I think that is a telling result. It's not unexpected because everyone I have spoken to has the same opinion. The EU and immigration are the two main issues. If we withdraw from the EU, then most of our problems are solvable, because we can deal with them as a nation and not as a piece of the EU socialist jigsaw puzzle. And I don't regard myself as working class, though I am white, English and male.

Sue said...

I just read that too... I had to chuckle to myself. A good article and of course nobody will take it seriously.

I don't think "the powers that be" actually realise how pi**ed off people are, especially with the EU. What's the point of discussing any other policy if you have no control over it?

WitteringsfromWitney said...

jic: Yup, same here when talking to people - problem comes when you ask how they'll vote. Mention UKIP and they tenf to shy away, but when pressed on their views and they're shown the manifesto, or part in question, they are back on board. As I posted today (separately) that is a problem UKIP need to fix and fix pdq!

Sue: See above.

Anonymous said...

yep, I've just put it up myself WfW.

I'm thinking of doing something on it - the 'analysis' is total rubbish.

These people are so much up their own fundamentals that they can't see what's really happening.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

BJ: I too was a tad puzzled over the analysis but will leave you to comment.... No point in our both doing so (plus you got a younger brain, mines a tad tired)

Whistle said...

John in Cheshire said,'He doesn't class himself as working class,but white and male'. Well, working class,I thought was someone who actually worked for a living, for someone else.I would also say that there is a bit of snobbery in his statement.Most working class people that I know are really the aspiring class,they want to have a higher standard of living than their parents and,plan for a better future for their children.We have long since given up on Liebor,vote Tory,but now are turning to the BNP or,now that they are destroying themselves thanks to Griffin,turning to UKIP.If that party can last until the next election,without any splits,then,I think, we are on to a winner,at the least a fundamental change in the political makeup of this Great Country of ours.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

W: Thanks for an interesting comment. I don't think jic intended any snobbery but take your point. Of course true conservatism did stand for the aspiring class, but no more under Cameron. Hopefully UKIP will not split, recognising the open goal that has been presented to them. It is a great pity that those factions that just want smaller govt and freedom from the EU cannot justn get behind UKIP as the catalyst to achieve their aims.