Sunday, 5 June 2011

Recall of MPs

Regular readers will be aware that for some time I have criticised the Coalition for promising a recall system for errant MPs whilst hiding the fact that the ultimate decision will rest with a committee of their peers, for example here. In the Independent it is being reported that up to four 'lay members' could sit on the parliamentary committee making any decision on the recall of an MP.

The present committee, chaired by Keith Barron, comprises 10 members and this idea of four 'lay members' is but a sop to the argument put by Keith Barron; namely that the system was open to the accusation that it is Members of Parliament looking after Members of Parliament.

This proposal yet again demonstrates that when the present political claque talk about devolving power to the people, they have no intention of so doing.

Noting that there are 7 principles of public office, it is completely amazing that the Committee for Standards are not sitting 24/7!

Just saying...............................


john in cheshire said...

Shouldn't there be an eighth principle - relating to providing a service for their constituents?

Adam R. said...


Looks like Mitt Romney wants to be just like Dave! He changes his positions more than the climate!

-Adam R.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

jic: quite possibly.

AR: Do politicians, regardless of nationality, change......?

A K Haart said...

7 principles? No 6 - honesty would do for me. One step at a time, let's look at the other six when they've mastered honesty.

Barnacle Bill said...

Now instead of one vote or AV we just marked the candidates using the seven principles, we might possibly see a different type of MP elected.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

AKH Actually, honesty would do as if they had that the others would be a given!

BB: At present, would we see any in view of the way the leaders have such a stranglehold on who can be a candidate? We have to get open primaries......

PeterCharles said...

This is really just another example of modern politics where politicians are fixated on NOW!

Political expediency demanded a stick with which the public could beat naughty MPs. What better stick than Recall laws?

Now that they have to follow through, although there is always the chance they will get an opportunity to quietly drop it, political expediency demands the stick be neutered lest the public actually manage to use it.

For party grandees there is the added benefit that if it is kept under political control it becomes another useful tool in assuring loyalty and party compliance.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

PC: "political control" - over my dead body. I shall continue to hightlight this aspect of Cameron's pseudo-devolution........

TomTom said...

It should be possible to control MPs with a hung Parliament. There is no guarantee the next election won't be stalemate. So many MPs have thin margins. The constituents should be very active making MPs respond to LOCAL issues.

It is the sheer docility of English Voters that lets this system atrophy. It is amazing how many voters - even supposedly "educated" types have no idea who their MP is or how to see him/her.

It really is a peasant mindset, but the English are spectacularly bovine in so many respects

WitteringsfromWitney said...

TT: Agreed.