Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Do the police have a 'common purpose'?

I only ask in view of this.
"These people recruit and select each other, they train each other and they sit on the promotion boards for each other. They hear about the best jobs first, manage to get their ‘sponsorship’ in first and always manage to avoid the dirty world of actual service-delivery ‘on the ground’."
Being 'charitable', you decide...........


The Filthy Engineer said...

have you read my mind? I'm in the process of writing an article about common purpose as we speak.

IanPJ said...

ah yes, Common Purpose, the backbone of the PC driven police state.

It will be for the Gadgets of this world to root them out when the time comes.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

TFE Great Minds? To be honest the Gadget post was brought to my attention by IPJ before I had seen it on my blogroll.

IPJ: Agreed, although knowing the police do like their gadgets, I fear IG is one they won't use...

PeterCharles said...

Should we be surprised? Replace 'police' with BBC, Labour Party, Conservative Party, LibDem Party, The Royal Society, The Met Office, The NHS, The National Trust, any Quango, Local Authority or other official provider, almost any organisation that has a government or Establishment connection.

It is the Standard Model, whether it also Common Purpose really doesn't matter, it is the malign hand of modern bureaucracy that infects almost everything we touch.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

PC: "It is the Standard Model, whether it also Common Purpose really doesn't matter, it is the malign hand of modern bureaucracy that infects almost everything we touch."

On the other hand for them to all exhibit the same trait must surely mean there is a common purpose infiltrating their behaviour?

Stop Common Purpose said...

You can find out more about Common Purpose here:

PeterCharles said...

There are many potential questions, is Common Purpose a front for Progressive Socialism to ensure the eventual triumph of St Karl the non-believer? If so is it orchestrated by a cabal of hidden Socialist/Marxist academics? Or is it just another facet or tool of the EU-UN world government by technocrats dream? Or is it just a manifestation of the modern government imperative that everything must be ordered and controlled to ensure fairness and happiness for all, especially minorities and the misfortunate? Or is it all a Bilderbergian plot to reinvent feudal society under the benign rule of the rich? Or is it all the machinations of some extraterrestrial entity in order to enslave the Earth and all these 'progressive' organisations are useful idiots in their snare?

It really matters not, there will be no change until it really bites the man in the street in the arse. Then there will be blood and eventually some kind of resolution. Whether that will be better or worse only time will tell. Never underestimate the power of apathy, politicians rely on it.

john in cheshire said...

And don't forget ACPOs unhealthy presence amongst all the other organisations that have been mentioned. I'd like to see ACPO disbanded; certainly, they should receive no taxpayers money.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

SCP: Thanks for the link of which I was aware - but others might not be.....

PC: Other than your last question, first para - probably all.

As to your last para - totally agree!

jic: Agree with you too!