Wednesday 12 October 2011

Roger Helmer (3)

Today the news broke that Roger Helmer is to resign as an MEP, effective 31st December 2011, citing amongst his reasons:
"As with any major decision, this is driven by a number of factors.  Some might say that it is high time I stood aside for a younger man.  For myself, I think that twelve-and-a-half years banging my head against the same brick wall in Brussels is perhaps long enough.  And I should certainly like to see more of my three fine grandsons. 
But it would be disingenuous to deny that my decision is dictated in part by my increasing disillusion with the attitudes of the Conservative Party.  I am finding it ever more difficult to defend the policies of the Coalition, not only on my key issues of Europe, and of climate and energy, but on a range of other matters besides. 
I will have more to say about this in coming days."
Reporting his resignation, the BBC carries this quote:
"You reach a point, in all honesty, where you cannot sit here and say I am a Tory MEP but I disagree with nine-tenths of what the party are saying.......The only honest thing to do is to say you quit."
Like Autonomous Mind, although not in as great a detail nor extent, I too have been critical of Roger Helmer for his continued membership of the Conservative Party. There are those who, like The Boiling Frog, take a more cynical view and one to which I tend to lean myself. There are also those who immediately put fingers to keyboard with the statement that it is inevitable, in their view, Helmer will join Ukip, even though the man has stated that he hopes to remain a member of his present party.

Helmer's statement to the BBC does rather show up the hypocritical behaviour of his colleagues in Westminster, who professing to have views similar to him, regularly troop through the voting lobbies at Westminster supporting their party in any matter EU! It also does place Daniel Hannan in an awkward position, does it not?

As a final thought, how many people towards the end of their lives recant and admit their sins to a higher authority (there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents)? As a magnanimous gesture, is that not how Helmer's resignation should be accepted?

Just saying...........


TheBoilingFrog said...

Thanks for the link as always WfW. Excellent point about Daniel Hannan and Roger's other (former) colleagues - it does place them in an awkward position. I wonder if they'll follow in Roger's action

Xopher said...

Surely he can't join UKIP because he'll lose his inflated EU pension if he criticises the EU.
Decent pension v. principles - that's democracy!abbervi

WitteringsfromWitney said...

TBF: Thanks - and I doubt it......

X: Again, good point.......

James Higham said...

What took him so long?

kenomeat said...

Again, one of the good guys. We may criticise the likes of Helmer, Hannan and Farage for not doing enough but, let's face it, they have done more than the rest of us put together.

Anonymous said...

I take Helmer's resignation letter at face value and commend him for it. However what really concerns me is the massive Tory smoke and mirrors campaign going on at the moment.

Dare I mention John Major? The silly man who claimed that it would hinder him in negotiations over the Masstricht Treaty if he could threaten the EU with a British referendum on the the outcome. Surely one of the most ridiculous things a British PM has ever uttered.

Well when the same idiot starts saying that Britain should consider a repatriation of powers I automatically smell a rat. In 14 years since leaving No10 the one EU issue that Major cites that powers need to be re-patriated is employment law.

This is disingenuos in the extreme. Major knows full well that just about the only EU dictat that is popular with the public is that which restricts working hours and grants further employment rights. Some might argue that the issue is immensely complicated and nuanced, and so it is. That however is to miss the point.

Major and all the Europlastics are deliberately linking their new found EU scepticism to a cause which they know is political suicide, thereby scuppering it from the start.

In short you are not going to win over the population in a crusade to draw back from the EU if the price for it is that we all have to work longer hours. They have stitched this thing up from the start and set it up to fail!!

What an utterly despicable man Major is!!

TomTom said...

There were many people in postwar Germany who were condemned for being members of the Nazi Party even though they had inwardly rebelled and were privately opposed to the more odious and reviled actions of the Party. They may one day campaign as Neo Nazis offering a new more human-face of Nazism and counting upon public support for a fresh approach....until then....

WitteringsfromWitney said...

JH: You, cynical?

k: Whilst I know your views, views you have expressed previously on this blog in your comments; in respect of the first two, I can but throw back in their faces Helmer's own quote on the BBC. As to the third, yes, he has done well, but even he I wonder whether it is for personal glory. If not, why does he not take on board suggestions made to him regarding party presentation and admin?

I take you point with all three, but would ask at what price to their personal principles?

Anon: you may have a point there...

TT: Yup, can see from whence you come and agree.......