Saturday, 3 September 2011

Will history repeat itself - again?

"Is there not some chosen curse,
Some hidden thunder in the stores of heaven,
Red with uncommon wrath, to blast the man
Who owes his greatness to his country's ruin?"
Joseph Addison - Cato, Act 1, Scene1

John Redwood laments the fact that Ed Miliband seeks to portray the Prime Minister as "same old tory" whilst meanwhile many Conservatives, perhaps helpfully from his point of view, say the Prime Minister is not Conservative enough. What is interesting in this post comes towards the end of the last paragraph:
".....Practically  all modern Conservatives are Eurosceptics, arguing over how and how far rather than whether we should move to less EU interference. I know many of you say they do not do enough, but they will say if challenged they agree with Euroscepticism. Most of them are not trying to get you to believe the EU in its current shape is a good thing."
So yet again the term 'eurosceptic' is being redefined and pushed even further away from its original meaning - which is exactly why it can no longer be used to describe anyone who believes this nation should not be a member of the European Union.

Redwood's statement confirms that modern Conservatives (by which it is presumed he means MPs, as we are led to believe that that is not the case with Conservative Party members) are fully in agreement with David Cameron's belief that we have to remain part of the EU. Not only did the Conservative Party mislead the electorate at the 2010 general election, they also lied. From their Manifesto (Europe):
"We will ensure that there is no further transfer of sovereignty or areas of power over the course of the Parliament."
It is ironic therefore that it was Redwood (13th August 2010) that posted:
"Many people in the UK are fed up with power seeping away. We did not like Mr Hague’s acceptance of an enlarged EU diplomatic service. That is more cost for the member states, seeking to undermine our own Foreign office and diplomatic service. We did not like Mr Hague’s opting in to more of the EU’s movement into criminal justice affairs."
Not forgetting of course Theresa May's decision to opt-in to the European Investigation Order, where even the pro-EU think tank Open Europe wrote:
"May said that signing up to the directive did not present a loss of sovereignty. But John Redwood made the valid point that if the UK doesn't have the ability (which it doesn't) to opt out of the European Investigation Order if it ends up as something "different to what was advertised" after negotiations then this must imply a loss of sovereignty."
It never ceases to amaze me that those who stand for election to Parliament in order that they may consider and propose new laws, and can scrutinise government policies by asking ministers questions about current issues either in the Commons Chamber or in Committees, can be content to cede those privileges to another foreign entity and then argue over how and how far the resultant interference can be restrained - weird..........

It should be remembered, writes Ian Parker-Joseph, "that 72 years ago today, Sept 3rd 1939, this country decided that the dream of one man, the leader of an evil political structure that unashamedly sought a single Europe under his control, was reluctantly to be opposed in the most forceful manner known to man" - continuing: "Not for the first time in this continent’s history have we had to intervene in this manner as the dream of a single State known as Europe threatened the populations with subjugation and economic slavery, nor I fear will it be the last. We owe our very freedoms today to the many millions that died over the centuries to ensure that this should never happen again."

To those millions that died over the centuries do we now hang our heads in shame.


IanPJ said...

Link & quote appreciated, thanks.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

IPJ: My pleasure - invoice in the post..... :)