Monday, 12 September 2011

EU despises 'populism'

Mary Ellen Synon writes that the European Commission propaganda machine has started pulling the levers on its latest campaign - this one meant to smear anyone who wants to stop the transfer of fiscal powers to Brussels and Frankfurt. Anyone who fights against the so-called 'eurozone economic governance' is now to be despised as a 'populist.' In her article she links to a new paper, one published by the European Policy Centre and which can be read here. This paper begins:
"It is undeniable that populist forces are on the rise in most European countries – North and South, East and West – and that they resort to anti-EU rhetoric to increase their political and electoral support"
and later exhorts the EU, in their fight to dispel 'EU myths':
"engage in full-scale, real-time action to de-construct and rebut all the anti-Europe myths built and spread by populist forces. Some groundwork has been done by the EU Delegation in the UK as well as others in support of the 2009 'Yes' campaign in Ireland. Why not generalise this approach and make it more systematic?"
Commenting that opinion polls across Europe (including the latest Eurobarometer) have started to show a tangible loss of trust in (all) EU institutions and a marginal rise in trust in national ones is probably the reason for what are considered populist forces being on the rise, although this point seems to have escaped the writer. Instead of considering the problems that are causing this distrust by people in the EU, all we get is denial and repetition that there is nothing wrong with the EU and all that is required is to dispel the 'myths' on which this supposed 'populism' is based. It would appear that the EU have learned from the Lib/Lab/Con in that that is all those three parties have done for some time, namely to repeat the message that only they know best, only they have the skill to rectify their own mistakes and that any other view is reactionary and extremist.

Richard North, in a post which continues his 'war' against Nigel Farage, makes the point that we, the people, are in thrall to the party system and that what is required for the good of our nation is a 'movement' - one that transcends party politics - in order to regain our nation's independence. Linked to this idea is the fact that I have received comments suggesting that all the anti-EU factions need to forget their 'differences' and combine into one voice against EU membership - a nice idea but one doomed to failure due to the egos involved of those leading those factions. That Richard North is correct in his view that a 'movement' is required cannot be beyond doubt, however I would argue that to enable that 'movement' to gain ground will require a new concept of what we consider to be 'democracy', one that entails an appeal to people's most basic of instincts - namely 'self'.

The main dislike of the European Union and of our three main political parties is the common belief that they all have: that they have to be 'in control' to dictate our lives, how we - and our nation - think, act and speak. By appealing to people's 'individualism' will be found the key to breaking this deadlock that the Lib/Lab/Con and the EU exert over our daily lives - and surprise (not), it involves devolution of power.

The Boundary Commission review into the 'rearrangement' of constituencies has been leaked, via Guido Fawkes. Whilst fulfilling Cameron's stated wish to decrease the number of 'deckchairs on the Titanic', it amounts no more than an exercise in maintaining the 'status quo'; in other words, continuing the elected dictatorship, whilst handing an electoral advantage to the ruling party, namely his. This is another measure by which the political elite intend to maintain their control of their masters. Political commentators have been busy with 'what ifs' and 'what it means for individual MPs', yet they forget that this is but a 'proposal' and one that is subject to 'consultation' and probably highly unlikely to be implemented in this parliamentary term - which lends argument to the suggestion that the people are not the only ones in thrall with the party political system.

Some may be pleased to hear that, at long last, the next post to appear on this blog will be the first of two in the series of 'Constitution'.


Anonymous said...

"It is undeniable that populist forces are on the rise in most European countries – North and South, East and West – and that they resort to anti-Islamic rhetoric to increase their political and electoral support".

The EU problem and the Islam problem are both existential - the first in the political arena, and the other, in the social and cultural arena.

kenomeat said...

Yes, a movement rather than a political party. But there are already umpteen movements. Can they unite and pool their resources into one big effort at national independence or is it suggested that yet another movement be created? Personally I'd like to see the various movements unite behind The Campaign for an Independent Britain (and I assume our Mr Spalton would agree).

kenomeat said...

Having re-read your piece (which I should have done before posting my comment!) I see you had addressed this issue (not uniting because of egos). However, can you elaborate a little on how you see this movement coming about?

TomTom said...

Populism is the enemy of Corporatism - just look at Us Politics 1890s and again with Tea Party

WitteringsfromWitney said...

DP111: Agreed and well pointed out.

k: Maybe not a movement, but an 'idea'? See Constitution (4) later 'ce soir'?

TT: Good point - although I not that old to have experienced the 1890s... :)