Sunday, 18 September 2011

Elected Dictatorship

It is, I hope, well known by now that I consider our present form of democracy nothing but that of an elected dictatorship - or as some commenters on this blog tend to term it, an oligarchy. For politicians today to repeat the mantra that they represent their constituent's views and are likewise elected to serve those same constitutents is a lie and consequently a sham.

Without rehashing old posts to the point of boredom, we are all aware that MPs are constrained in their voting patterns by party whips; that they insist on the ability to vote with their conscience - in other words, how they feel about a particular subject - rather than voting how the majority of their constituents feel; that constitutents have no means of recalling their MP to be held to account; that they consider Parliament "Sovereign"; and the 'killer point', that as I was informed by my MP, who also happens to be the Prime Minister the current elected dictator: no matter what my personal 'local' problem/grievance - if it conflicts with 'national policy' then I may as well forget it.

Many words have been written about the need for an English Parliament and a resolution to the West Lothian Question - with an impassioned speech reported at the recent Ukip conference -  thus enabling only voting by MPs on matters that affect their own constituencies. What, exactly, would the creation of an English Parliament do - other than preserve the status quo of elected dictatorship? Political parties, including Ukip, talk about localism, yet at the very heart of their ideas of localism lies central control and the belief that MPs are elected to rule. As with the EU, where national 'governments' do no more than implement EU law, so all local authorities do is implement central government decrees - and that is localism? Just what exactly do local councillors do other than applying knuckles to foreheads, in the manner of all good politicians, whilst collecting their allowances?

As I have, no doubt, 'bored to tears' readers with my rants about HS2, politicians and their lack of principle and honour; I trust you will bear with me for yet another example of the latter. I would refer to David Cameron's infamous article in The Sun newspaper, one in which he gave a cast-iron guarantee on a referendum. Little noticed, I believe, is another classic quote, one in which I have made two small amendments:
"One of the great challenges we face is rolling back the tide of bureaucracy that is drowning our country in regulations and forms. And you can't do that without targeting one of the main sources of this bureaucracy — Brussels. Because it is Europe that ties our businesses up in red tape. And it is Europe that ties the hands of our courts. We won't be able to deal with any of this unless we have a referendum. The final reason we must have a vote is trust. Gordon Brown David Cameron talks about "new" politics. But there's nothing "new" about breaking your promises to the British public. It's classic Labour.Cameron."
Which is why Richard North and I, with no collusion whatsoever, are the only two bloggers* - to my knowledge - that are prepared to put our heads over the parapet and suggest something different.

* Don't even mention Carswell and Hannan with their 'Plan' as it is but continuance of the status quo!


Bill said...

There is no nation only a population of human beings. The concept of a nation only exists in the mind just as the concept of a country exists in the mind and neither exist in reality.

It's all make believe as is money, as is the concept of the 'person' or the concept of the 'society' we are all told we are part of.
Cash and control are the twin reasons why these concepts are brainwashed into us day in day out our entire lives.

As I said the other day change never comes from within it always comes from without.
The system we have is broken beyond repair in fact I would argue it was the minute it was invented, it may have even been deliberately design to be broken. I cannot confirm this as I wasn't party to its creation so the only way it can be put to the sword is by people without the system.

We are told we have a democracy but the reality is it's a civil service, fronted by politicians who are not elected but selected which is run for the benefit of the Crown Estate and the banksters.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

Bill Other than believing that I do believe in a nation - as in a people with their own society, traditions and way of life, I would especially agree with your last paragraph.

kenomeat said...

I wish to comment on MPs being elected solely to represent their constituents views rather than using their own judgement when voting on bills. Whilst this would be a truly representative parliamentary system would it not be difficult to find anyone of quality wanting to be elected to such a powerless position, regardless of the salary. And if this also applied to local councillors then I can't see the attraction of anyone wanting to enter politics.
Any views?

TomTom said...

concept of a nation only exists in the mind

Do try MUCH harder...."Concepts" only exist in the mind because that is the Latin "Conceptum" meaning that which is conceived.

Tautological statements are tedious.

Don't try to be too sociological. Nations are bound by blood ties and ignore them at your peril. That is why Westerners are so stupid when interfering in tribal societies - they fight "Taliban" when they are really fighting Pashtun tribes in their tribal areas on behalf of another (Kabul) tribe........

Western Supercilious Ignorance is boundless

Blogger said...

Kenomeat - I am sure Lots of people would be happy to do such a job - there are many boring jobs being done in the world. It would just not be attractive to the type of person who currently want to be MP's - which is rather the point!

If people really wanted more power over their own lives, they would have it - but they either can't be bothered or don't know how.

Making the UK independent again is the first step - ensuring all power is held within our shores means when/if people want more power it is at least they don't have to go far to retrieve it.

DeeDee99 said...

In 2009, pre-election, Call Me Dave said this in a speech

But the tragic truth today is that no matter how much we strengthen Parliament or hold government to account...

...there will still be forces at work in our country that are completely unaccountable to the people of Britain.

People and organisations that have huge power and control over our daily lives and yet which no citizen can actually get at.

Almost half of all the regulations affecting our businesses come from the EU.

And since the advent of the Human Rights Act, judges are increasingly making our laws.

The EU and the judges - neither of them accountable to British citizens - have taken too much power over issues that are contested aspects of public policy...

...and which should therefore be settled in the realm of democratic politics.

It's no wonder people feel so disillusioned with politics and Parliament when they see so many big decisions that affect their lives being made somewhere else."

Rather changed his tune, hasn't he. The CONservatives don't stand a chance of promoting their so-called Euroscepticism all the time Cameron is leader - his actions have spoken far louder than his words.

The time for renegotiating our membership of the EU is long gone. If Major had thwarted the Maastrict Treaty and insisted on fundamental change then, it might have worked but it is far, far too late now.

Now, the only way for the UK to survive and prosper is as an independent nation.

This ex-Conservative member will be remaining a UKIP member and activist until that happens.

Bill said...

"Western Supercilious Ignorance is boundless"

Love it!

TomTom said...

judges are increasingly making our laws

Always have done. That is why we have Common Law and Case Law.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

k: MPs are no more than managers of what the public wants. That does not stop them proposing laws, but as in any organisation anyone, even managers, can propose a course of action but if the boss don't like it, it wont go anywhere.

Switzerland doesn't seem to have a problem getting people to do just that.......

TT: Agreed, I was just trying to be a tad more polite in my response...... :)

pp: Agreed, see above response to k.

DD99: Well said!

Bill: TT is renowned on this blog for his insightfullness.......

TT: Agreed

kenomeat said...

Paul P & WfW: Points taken on board. You have addressed the main doubt I had about direct democracy.