Today yet another example of Cameron's inability to 'govern' has been illustrated with the report in yesterday's Daily Telegraph from Bruno Waterfield and in today's edition of the same paper James Kirkup reports (does not appear to be on-line) that the UK is one of 12 countries facing an investigation by the commission under a new "economic governance" procedure to "detect and correct risky economic developments. Kirkup's article goes on to state that Olli Rehn, the European economic affairs commissioner, said that if the "in depth scrutiny" concluded that household borrowing was dangerously excessive, the Coalition would be told to"take appropriate action to correct the situation". The European Commission press release on this subject can be read here, a press release which contains links to the full report.
Do note the words 'the Coalition will be told to take appropriate action to correct the situation'. So Cameron, as Prime Minister, heads the government of our country - and George Osborne, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, is in charge of our country's economic policies? Where there any 'eurosceptics' within the Conservative Party, surely they would be crawling all over this news item and asking questions in Parliament and raising the matter in the press?
Two quotations spring to mind:
"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws."
Amschel Rothchild
"Those who have knowledge don't predict. Those who predict don't have knowledge."The first quotation is, perhaps, now redundant as the EU has virtually managed both, but I digress - and the second shows why politicians (especially the likes of Osborne and Balls) should not attempt to predict economic outcomes - or outcomes of any kind.
Lao Tzu, 6th century BC poet
Just saying...............
Afterthought: While our democracy, our 'independence, our status as a 'sovereign nation' is being trashed before our eyes, Cameron is presently fixated on binge-drinking? Priorities, Mr. Cameron? The mind, something he appears to be missing, boggles.......
Since Cameron didn't win the election I reckon the EU Commission has about as much legitimacy to screw up things as Cameron and his monkey.
This system has reached the end and it is time to bury these bands of brigands
The Lao Tzu quote reminds me of the question how do you know an expert? Because he says it all depends
The situation is the cause binge drinking is the symptom. Like so many things debt, deficit, draconian laws and regulations are symptoms and not causes. The causes are much more deep seated and politicians rarely tackle those just tinker around with the symptoms nearly always to no avail. Until causes are addressed head on then our decline will continue socially and economically. The left, Greens, vested interests, the electorate and politicians inability to act creatively and think outside the box will ensure causes will not be tackled and problems will not be solved and that they will multiply.
TT: I take your point but prefer your last paragraph.........
TBF: D:)
A: So perhaps if we 'educate' our young, fill their minds with knowledge, fill their minds with the need to question and debate they would be too busy to drink.......
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