In my preceding post I posed the question whether the Coalition will last because of the wish of two disparate political parties to rescue the economy of our country, or whether it will last because the top echelon of those two disparate parties wish to retain their individual positions of privilege and power.
Where people wish to retain positions of privilege and power, be that the public or private sector, if pushed into the proverbial corner they will lie to save their careers. An example of this fact has been illustrated by Richard North, EU Referendum, (do follow the links) in which he shows that Cameron has in effect misled the House of Commons.
That the questioner, nor any other MP (God forbid MilibandE, who doesn't appear to know what day of the week it is) was not immediately hitting the 'airways' asking the question posed in Richard North's headline to his post, namely "Whose this "We", Cameron", leads one to finally believe that they are indeed "all in it together" - to coin a phrase. The marked lack of so-called 'Eurosceptics' so doing, was telling - what? Where was Cash, Carswell, Heaton-Harris, Bone, Jenkin (to name but a few) - and more importantly, although not an MP, where was that 'arch-antiEUer' Daniel Hannan, from whom so far we have not heard one peep?
The lack of rebuttal by MPs (and MEPs) can only be due to:
(a) they have no idea of what membership of the EU entails;
(b) they have no wish to 'rock the boat' as they are hoping for advancement in their careers', or:
(c) they are 'brain-dead' idiots.
Personally, I suspect the latter as that seems to be the prime qualification for entry into our political system.
Apologies for 'banging-on' about it, but does this not illustrate why our present system of democracy must, repeat must, be changed/
Just saying...............
Change of URL
14 years ago
Keep banging on. Mr North and yourself are the antidote to the MSM non-reporting on this ongoing disgrace.
Ftc: Thanks and will do!
Why are your fonts unreadable?
Anon: By that I suppose you mean the print is too small?
Press ALT (hold down) and press + the latter as many times as you need to magnify........
ALT plus minus - reverses....
It seems the common assumption that the economy can be saved.
UK Government and private dept totals some 900% of GDP, the worst European dept....including Greece.
The question should not be "can the economy be saved" but "what comes after massive dept write-off and default".
Greece is almost certain to default, maybe as soon as early March. At that time the insurers carrying the policies against default will have to find a large amount of money/assets.
Even with the UK not in the Euro zone the repercussions will be massive. That is why our esteemed chancellor is busy travelling/grovelling in Asia looking for trade.
The US is in not better state.
Interesting times.
Civil unrest may be the least of the coming problems. With economic problems come military solutions.
Anon: Your last two sentences, heaven forbid, are more than probable....
Anon - "dept" freudian slip perchance?
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