It is reported that Stonewall, the homosexual rights activists, have presented a draft Bill in which the terms 'husband' and 'wife' would be substituted with the words 'parties to marriage'. This proposal is prompted by a proposed change in the law to allow civil marriage for homosexual couples. The Daily Telegraph reports (not apparently available on-line) that Lynne Featherstone, the Liberal Democrat Equalities Minister, has stated that a consultation on the proposed change in the law would commence next month. It also reports that all three leaders of the Lib/Lab/Con have publicly expressed their support for such a change.
Admittedly at the moment the suggestion that the words 'husband' and 'wife' should be replaced by the words 'parties to marriage' is but that, namely a suggestion, however it raises some rather basic questions where rights are concerned. Yes, everyone has rights but why should the rights of those who wish to use the words 'husband' and 'wife' be removed on the wishes of a minority pressure group? By what right do the leaders of the Lib/Lab/Con presume to dictatorially change the words used in marriage ceremonies? As with all 'consultations' this one will no doubt be held with 'stakeholders' and once again it will be those actually involved in a process who will not be consulted.
Politicians seem unable to cease their practice of social engineering - witness their attempt to decide what size home people should have. This latest idea, if it became law, would be yet another individual liberty lost, one to add to what is now becoming a long list. We are indeed being de-humanised to the point where the right of choice over our life and how we live it is being taken away - by force if necessary. When one considers this political process one has to ask just what will be the trigger which will result in the people forcibly removing those they have come to despise? Or, perish the thought, have the sheep been safely corralled?
Change of URL
14 years ago
The Mail has also done it ... they is online ... linky here
But the rot has already started ...
R: Same link as I included? Thanks for the second link though and yes, obviously you are right.......
As the saying goes, give them an inch and they'll take a yard.
These people are wicked. And the worst of it is that most of them don't even know how wicked they are.
I find it ironic how gays want so much that they don't have!
Old Rightie - totally correct. These deviants can never be husband and wife so they want to deny others from having those monikers. They are full of bitterness and hatred and - like all fundamentalists - will never ever be satisfied and will always be 'camp-aigning' (see what I did there) to remove everyone else's preferences and stamp on everyone else's desires.
At some point they will end up turning so many against themselves that they will end up longing for the day that they were just taken the piss out of rather than being beaten to death or murdered. These idiots need STFU before that happens to the majority of gays who are quietly getting on with their lives and are not shoving their lifestyle down our throats at every opportunity. And I say this as someone who has almost lost every shred of tolerance I once had for their cause.
jic & Or: True......
Anon: Re last paragraph: Agreed.
I have reached the Kalashnikov Standpoint. These idiots have exhausted all patience. When Cameron leaves you yearning for Gordon Brown, and Brown leaves you yearning for Tony Blair....well things have reached Endgame
As far as I'm concerned Stonewall can go forth and do what married couples normally do - something their lot can't...
TT: I just knew that sooner or later You would get on board.......
md: D:)
And who funds Stonewall ? Have a guess.
Anon: as you say, interesting accounts!
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