Thursday, 10 March 2011

The stench of politics

A source has drawn my attention to this website, a 'system' that I am reliably informed is being sold wholesale to the public sector. The more you navigate this website the more it appears that this is a form of corporatism/fascism/communitarianism/communism, all rolled into one with the result being society will be herded like cattle, projects defined by consultants and people ending up paying and complying. It would be no surprise to see this and schemes like it becoming the 'community organisers bible' - which will suit Cameron's Big Society, with it's group of volunteers having their own 'Government Advisor', just fine!

When one discovers 'movements' such as that mentioned above - and organisations like Common Purpose, on which I have posted previously as have others - it is no wonder that government announcements, which on the face of it could be viewed with favour, are then viewed with 100% cynicism.

As one example, consider this from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG). At first sight the initial reaction is one of joy, that at last public sector work in areas such as diversity and climate change could be a thing of the past. Whilst the DCLG may wish to dispense with a number of these non-jobs, the cynic in me has to ask how many, in fact, will disappear. If, again for example, we take British Waterways, this is, apparently, to become a charity - yet the government cannot allow British Waterways (or a similar organisation) not to exist.

Why is that, I hear you cry. Well dear reader, there exists a body within the European Union whose task is to co-ordinate an ''integrated transport system". The name of this body is Trans-European Network - Transport whose remit covers road, rail, air, shipping, inland waterways and ports. In the news recently has been HS2, the governments 250mph rail link to Birmingham; a line, it is planned, which is to branch onwards in the future, to Leeds and Manchester. Readers may wish to refer to this post from November last year, which explains much. As transport is a shared competence under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) it is necessary for the UK to have an organisation through which EU directives can be 'managed' - hence British Waterways (or similar) must continue to exist. Some'cull' - what?

Such is the nadir to which our politics has sunk, when our so-called government cannot - and understandably does not wish to - allow us to know the real reasons for some of their decisions; yet are we not supposed to have transparency in government and government decisions? This non-transparency, this lying and the dis-honesty of those we elect and whose main function should be the defense of the realm, from whatever quarter, should and must be brought to the attention of the attention of the British people.

Spread the word dear reader - the more that are prepared to take part in what is becoming inevitable (last para) the stronger we are!


Sue said...

Another sodding quango we have to keep an eye on.

Pissedoffsmoker said...

Hi WFW, would you mind doing a piece on AV versus FPTP and PR, i think i understand the ramifications of each system but wouldnt mind someone actually clarifying it all for me, from what i have read AV might allow the smaller parties ie UKIP more of a chance of gaining some seats although i know PR would probably be the fairest voting system but we are not getting a chance to vote on that, many thanks.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

Sue: BW is but one of many......

pof: thanks for the invite! Will try to do something over the weekend...... (just for you)

john in cheshire said...

WfW, as I believe you are implying, I agree with you that everything that was being done to us during the 13 years of socialist rule, is still continuing and in some instances with more vehemence. I wish there was a national call to arms; I think it's gotten to the point where I would answer the call.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

jic: Thanks - and if my 'postbag' is any indication, we are gathering quite an army!

Anonymous said...

This is a great spot from your source, WfW.

On the subject of Good Governance, I don’t think it’s the garbage they spout that is the main thing to worry about (that’s bad enough) – but the structure itself.

These quangos are self-selected governments and I’ve been hoping against hope that Eric Pickles was quietly sorting out this lot.

If this is a present day structure and it is being encouraged to be the successor to Common Purpose – it is all so thoroughly depressing.

James Higham said...

Sue, it's far more than another quango - it's a bloody dangerous group of people taking over and there's no outcry. Post after post on them and no one seems to see what is happening.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

BJ: I would pass on your thanks, but he will no doubt read that for himself.

It is more than depressing, BJ - the time for our retaking our democracy is fast approaching!

WitteringsfromWitney said...

JH: I think that, as BJ shows, people are learning......

They need to read begond what initially they see......

Caratacus said...

Thank you for highlighting this WfW. The tentacles of these organisations seem to be everywhere and the remorseless trend towards total control seems almost to be inevitable..

Almost ..

WitteringsfromWitney said...

C: Thank you and thank you for your comment. If you have anything to add, do let me know as more than happy to re-post on this subject.

You can email me through the link on right hand of the blog.

Pissedoffsmoker said...

Thanks WFW look forward to it.

banned said...

"Good Governance" website is full of references to 'stakeholders' which identifies it as rubbish, as does its oh-so-1970's flow chart mission statement whch looks so special but means nothing.

These people simply cannot escape their Polytechnic backgrounds.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

b: well spotted! Glad there are two of us 'awake' - albeit it is early days for this post!

Sue said...

James, I think the media has alot to answer for. They should be reporting on this sort of stuff.

Nobody is asking questions and that's what makes these organisations dangerous.

john in cheshire said...

WfW, I wonder if there are any people actually preparing to retake our country, and hold the traitors et al to account. Being conscious of conspiracy implications, I suspect active efforts could be quashed relatively quickly by the state. But, I hope someone is keeping a list of who to round up and has a plan. For example, how to close down such installations as airports and ports, so that the culprits can't escape. Holding points for those rounded up, such as MPs (maybe the tower will be appropriate), bankers, prominent socialists, terrorists etc. The establishment of summary courts to exact quick and final justice. You get my drift? The populus will, hopefully start things rolling, but once it starts, there will be a need to act quickly to catch all those we want to see punished, because they will be off to pastures new if they are not stopped.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

jic: forgive me if I do not answer the points you raise here - you have given me a topic for a future post.