Monday, 7 March 2011

People's party once more

The title of an article by Ed Miliband on ePolitix, detailing how he is reconnecting his party with the electorate. It is an article that could well have been written by Cameron or Clegg because the language and phrasing used would have been no different. He highlights what he considers are the big issues: jobs and wages, housing, crime, helping the next generation, care for the elderly and vulnerable, building a better and more equal society - well Mr. E, that record is cracked and worn.

For heavens sake! Politicians continually state they want to reconnect with the electorate yet continually use vacuousness in what they say - and unfortunately the British public still fall for what is no more than a PR exercise. There is something drastically wrong with the electorate's understanding when a party that brought this country economically to it's knees - for which it was thrown out of office less than 12 months ago - is now considered, according to opinion polls, as a viable alternative to the Coalition.

The Lib/Lab/Con are to be admired for their efforts in attempting to differentiate themselves from each other when there is no difference. All three are control freaks, not only of individual liberty but also of our political system. All three are unable to govern our nation as all three are content to be subservient to the European Union. All three believe in democratised dictatorship which involves politicians believing that the people are answerable to them, instead of the other way round.

Stormin Norman, in his post today, quotes the words of Gladstone:
"The finance of this country is intimately associated with the liberties of this country. It is a powerful leverage by which English liberty has been gradually aquired [sic] … It lies at the root of English liberty. If these powers of the House of Commons come to be encroached upon, it will be by tacit and insidious measures and therefore, I say public attention should be called to this." (my emphasis)
Of course, if we had a free press, staffed by investigative journalists, the public's attention would have been called not only to the encroachment of the powers of the House of Commons but also the credibility and behaviour of those that are elected to that place.

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