Benedict Brogan, Deputy Editor of the Daily Telegraph has his usual op-ed piece in today's edition, one that is but another 'puff-piece' in an attempt to 'big-up' Cameron, in which he alleges that Cameron and Clegg are vying for position in order to promote their own agendas and that Cameron is winning. Brogan ends:
"It is said that the dead point in a marriage comes when respect is lost. Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg are perilously close to that moment. The Coalition will continue because it is in both their interests that it do so, and because they still hold to their core mission to rescue the economy. But expect the signs of an imminent political divorce to begin to mount as they discover just how different they really are."It is a reflection on the sorry state that our politics has become that it becomes reasonable to ask whether the Coalition will last because of the wish of two disparate political parties to rescue the economy of our country, or whether it will last because the top echelon of those two disparate parties wish to retain their individual positions of privilege and power - privileges and power that, in effect, they usurped following an inconclusive general election? (Is that not what all dictators do, usurp power - whether elected or not?)
That that question can be posed is the prime reason why I argue for a change in the system of democracy under which we live, a change to a system that negates personal political greed, that negates dictatorship (democratised or not) and, at the same time, requires those who stand for political office to actually manage the country for the good of the country - that 'good' being decided by the people and not by a collection of venal, self-serving careerists.
Clegg can choose simply to hang together or hang separately. The last time the Liberals were in power was the fag end of a government that had taken Britain into the most disastrous war in its history and cobbled together a coalition to keep a corrupt Prime Minister in power.
The LibDems will never see office again but maybe this system of government no longer enjoys voter support
TT: ".....but maybe this system of government no longer enjoys voter support."
That it probably doesn't is one with which I would agree. The burning question is how to make them aware that an alternative exists. Any ideas?
is how to make them aware that an alternative exists.
I don't think most care as many don't vote so it might be the process that is as moribund as the product. Even maggot-infested rotting carcases are still carcases
An alternative may well come to exist.
The incumbent politicians, along with the system, will have little interest in it.
The main-stream-media are part of the rot, so any new system will receive little publicity.
Cameron/Clegg will continue until 2015, mainly because Clegg now knows after they:
Leave the coalition
Get booted-out
It will be the end of the Lib-Dems.
Until then things will carry-on.
We have the forthcoming boundaries rearrangement will will get rid of 50 seats, mainly Labour/Lib-Dems, but with a few sacrificial goats of Tories to show it wasn't the fiddle we know it is going to be.
Then we have the Scots and independence.
That depends upon how fast they can be "allowed" by the government to hold a referendum.....that will get rid of 41 Labour members and 1 conservative.....we can watch to see when the single Tory gets relocated to see which way the wind is going to be told to blow.
Come next election we may have a situation where Labour cannot win. Ever.
We will then have a single party state, and we all know they are the death knell of democracy.
TT: Being the eternal optimist I would like to think most not voting is because they know it matters not which party gets in as they are rightly thought of as all the same. I believe that if people were made aware of what alternatives are on offer and that one of them did put power back in their hands to the extent their voice did matter, voting would increase.
Anon: But we do live under a one party state in that there is little to choose between them, that all believe we should be in the EU and all refuse to allow us a say. Is that not a democratised dictatorship?
WfW, I tend to agree. However we never have forthright statements by leaders in elections, simply more of the stage-managed feminised gossip trying to upstage the girl in the pink blouse instead of discussion of principle and implementation as masculine society used to function.
The Western political system reeks of emasculated and neutered males and one can easily see why the forceful activism inherent in Fascism holds an appeal in place of defeatist and supine whining and helplessness.
The BBC presents policy as if it emanates from On High and is Immutable; and portrays other situations as helpless and insoluble, as if opposition is futile. The mental health of the nation is incredibly poor
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