Sunday 27 November 2011

Even the 'Maggietollah' didn't understand 'democracy'

An article in the Daily Telegraph yesterday by that doyen of British journalism, Charles Moore illustrated that she too actually believed in 'central control' - aka, politicians know best.

Charles Moore writes:
"The idea behind the drama is the belief, her belief, that the people without much power – the “workers not the shirkers”, small-businessmen, housewives (to use a word deployed at that time without embarrassment) – can do great things if only you let them." (Emphasis mine)
If only you let them? If only someone who, in my earlier state of ignorance, I admired, had seen fit to realise that there is a better way..........


Stuart said...

No politician in this country understands democracy. Maybe the likes of Enoch Powell did.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

S: Agreed - and off topic, replied to your point on 'there is a better way'.......

TomTom said...

Margaret Thatcher was a fraud who destroyed British industry in favour of The City and changed Planning Laws with an Appeal System to Whitehall to give supermarkets their head in building everywhere. The sheds and supermarket villages emerges from the mid-1980s.

Funds follows Students created a marketised University System with joke courses to bring in fees. Abolition of University Exam boards to create private companies modelled on ETS Princeton brought Edexcel and other wonders.

Creating OFSTED as a quango instead of HM Inspectors another farce.

Allowing Building Societies to demutualise enriched The City but where are they all now ?

WitteringsfromWitney said...

TT: We could debate the word 'fraud', however.......

She did have her good points and from what was on offer at the time, she was the right person at that time.

Admittedly I was a tad naive about politics, consequently did not question any politicians motives other than left or right. It is only in the last 6/7 years that I have become 'awarer' of the realities.....