It seems I can now number the West Oxfordshire Local Police Area Commander, one Colin Paine - whose 'tag line' is fighting crime and serving the local community - now following me on Twitter!
Change of URL
14 years ago
The musings of a freeborn Englishman who is totally disenchanted with the dictatorial attitude that poses as democracy.
Is he following your tweets in an official capacity?
jic: Who knows? I presume it official as it is obviously his police twitter account. If it were not why mention his employer?
Hopefully he just likes my style of writing..... :o)
He may think you have subversive ideas - or principles as most people call them.
AKH: He tweeted back that I must be feeling guilty (typical copper's mindset) to which I replied I thought nowadays we were all guilty until proven innocent. That seemed to terminate the conversation!
WfW, there can't be much crime around your way, if he can spend time reading tweets. Or does he just do it on his tea break, as light relief.
jic: A fair bit of petty crime, but what keeps our law occupied is looking after and chasing all those caught on speed cameras! What may have set this chap off was a tweet I did about the possible demise of ACPO and what a result that would be!
And of course you are correct; ACPO should not exist and it certainly should not be funded by the taxpayer. All those Common Purpose graduates plotting in secret.
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