Richard North, EU Referendum, posts on the subject of Nick Clegg, asking what we ever did to deserve politicians of his calibre. In considering the question and in the search for an answer, it was necessary to return to an era of 50+ years ago when I was educated - a period in peoples lives that seems not to happen today.
Accepting that the answer lies in the fact that politics in this country is now just a cesspool, it is an accepted fact that the top, visible layer of a cesspool comprises of various impurities that accumulate on the surface, collectively known as scum - a word which is also a slang expression applied as an offensive term for a person or group of people regarded as contemptible or worthless and of low moral values. In the case of Clegg and his ilk, when used as a description of them, it is most pertinent.
Just saying.............
Change of URL
14 years ago
It's the poor journalists in TV land that are the problem. They care more about presentation and "Westminster village" stuff than ideas.
Any journalist worth their salt would skewer Clegg for saying this. They'd ask him what places he'd seen xenophobic coverage. He can only say this stuff because he knows that none of them will bother to question it, especially not the BBC who always equate EUphobia with xenophobia.
Euroscum! The most fetid stratum of a cesspool.
JT: Agreed. But then we know that journalism as an 'art' is dead in this country as it is difficult to tell who is in who's pocket where the politicos and journalists are concerned.
Sue: Scum will do........
They care more about presentation and "Westminster village" stuff than ideas
They went to University together - either Oxford, Bristol or Durham - they have drinks and dinner together if not lunch. Some are on the candidates list.
You live in a large open field with a fish pond and wonder why the fish aren't interested in the sheep
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