Thursday, 1 December 2011

Is the Tory Party's memory so short?

The Daily Telegraph, Bruno Waterfield, reports that the Conservative Party have dropped demands for the repatriation of powers as - according to Chris Grayling - the key priority is to get stability restored, to get a solution to the eurozone crisis and that if treaty change is the means to that end, then the Coalition would recognise that as a necessity. The Times (£) also has an article which reports that given the severity of the eurozone crisis, David Cameron is prepared to forgo the chance of repatriating powers from Brussels, including added protection for the City of London from EU directives.

It is disappointing to note that Bill Cash - the man who is, supposedly, a 'eurosceptic'; the man who knows everything about matters EU; the man who is Chairman of the European scrutiny committee; is still maintaining that repatriation of powers is a 'necessity'. Forgive me for repetition, but just what is it 'The Great Man' doesn't understand about the words 'ever closer union'? Surely even he, 'the font of all knowledge EU' understands that ever closer union means that once a power has been ceded - or forcibly taken - by the EU, is never to return?

Perhaps a little jog of his - and his party's - memory is in order. To that extent, let us return to the press summary from Open Europe, one dated March 29, 2010. From that press summary:
"The article noted that Ms Merkel insisted that an incoming Conservative government would not be allowed to use new treaty negotiations to ask for powers to be returned to Britain. “I will not speculate on the outcome of the British elections,” she said. “Treaty changes are agreed by unanimity so I am not worried about something changing that I do not want – to put it bluntly. That's the way it is.........."
(Zeig Heil! Heil Merkel!)

Even if 'The Great Man' hasn't 'got the message', it does appear that his party - and the delusional one who heads it - have now accepted that the EU is akin to a black-hole in space, something that swallows matter which will never reappear, whose 'force' it is pointless resisting.

One day - and we can but hope that day is not long in coming - even these idiots will come to the conclusion that the only question to be answered is 'In' or 'Out'.


Stuart said...

They probably know that is the question and for them, the answer is in. This will make them contort trying to appease their electorate but ultimately they are "in and swallow the lot."

WitteringsfromWitney said...

S: Agreed. Off topic but on your convention comment, patience - please. Plans are in hand......

Anonymous said...

The day will come when the current crop of EU Obsequioucrats will be held in the same regard as Chamberlain and the 'men of Munich'

WitteringsfromWitney said...

Saot: in my book they are already!

TomTom said...

Zeig Heil! Heil Merkel

Zeigen is a verb "to show, to point at, to demonstrate"

Siegen is the verb "to win, to prevail, to triumph"

Why people in England mix up verbs and "ie" with "ei" gives me no hope that "receive" will ever be spelled correctly except by foreigners

graham wood said...

"the Conservative Party have dropped demands for the repatriation of powers as - according to Chris Grayling - the key priority is to get stability restored, to get a solution to the eurozone crisis"

"To get stability restored" Ummmm
will that take place tomorrow, or next Friday?

According to Mrs Murky that process will take years not months - so that lets the NOT the Conservative Party off the hook quite nicely, and the UK can re-apply (cap in trembling hand) for repatriation in about 2020.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

TT: Apologies but as a non-speaker of German I had to rely on Wiki.....

gw: Nice comment.......