Politics Home reports that after a review of MPs business costs and expenses, a proposal has been made by IPSA that the staffing expenditure budget limit should be increased to £137,200 for non-London Area MPs and £144,000 for London Area MPs, incorporating a 5% supplement for London Area MPs. At present the annual staffing budget is £115,000. (you do the maths)
And those that will have to pay the increase were asked when? And we do not live under an elective dictatorship or democratised dictatorship (same thing)?
Should not those that pay the piper call the tune? Are not those paying for a service which is not being delivered, not able to withhold payment?
Just asking.....................
Change of URL
14 years ago
True, if they were a business they would have been sued to oblivion.
I believe that IPSA and all similar bodies should be sacked.
MPs should be allowed a sum for their services based on so much per constituent (rather like the original NHS panel system). They could offer a budget to their electors up to this amount - so much for salary, so much for expenses etc
as part of their election manifesto.
Their accounts (with receipts) should be available for public inspection each year at local town halls. If they exceeded their budget, or their accounts were defective, a petition of sufficient voters could cause a "recall" election.
The money should be collected through the council tax bill - not central taxation - so there is absolutely no doubt who is the employer.
This way, the electors become the auditors of MPs' accounts - no need for extra officials at all.
Strange isn't it. They argue that they don't have enough of our money to give back to us what is ours, but decide that they are entitled to have more of it for themselves.
Only MPs could rationalise such behaviour.
Anon: As you say, Trading Standards would be all over them like a rash....
ES: As ever, a most sensible suggestion.
RB: To be expected from a self-serving, self-preserving, venal group.
I would prefer MPs to be subject to HMRC instead of having an exemption in The Finance Act - with a Budget coming up that could be changed
Plenty to be paying their family members with then?
TT: Keep wishing and hoping then.......
S: Of course!
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