Monday, 5 March 2012

Nuff said?

The following appeared on Twitter this evening, supposedly from a 'bit of wood' - aka an MP:
"Nick de Bois MP  @nickdebois Leaving Downing St this PM I was stopped by stranger and asked if I would get repair to a hole in road bu cenotaph-fair enough,give it a go!"
Setting to one side the self-promotional - dare one say illusion, intimated even - that de Bois had been summoned to No 10 on 'matters of state'; setting to one side that not all of us are competent typists; setting to one side the constraints of Twitter where characters are concerned; it is not unreasonable that those who consider they are elected to govern us because of their superior intellect would know - and ensure- that the word 'centopaph' should be capitalised.

Would it be impertinent, therefore, to consider that I have 'sawn off' a bit of wood?

Just asking.............


Captain Ranty said...

More like a big bit of wood

TomTom said...

Why is pm capitalised ? Forget the Cenotaph that was simply a previous generation of politicians who betrayed the people and thought they could avert revolution by making some sentimental focal point in the heart of the Betrayal Machine.......I bet Cameron doesn't give it a thought....his family does not have a great military participation rate

WitteringsfromWitney said...

CRF: I hesitate to respond in case it is your doppelganger.......

TT: Re 'PM', presumable he was on auto-pilot and got confused twixt the time of day and the boots he had just kissed.