Apparently, according to the Daily Telegraph, George Osborne is set to announce in his Budget speech that HMRC will write to each taxpayer informing them where the monies extracted from them have been spent.
George, George, did not Daddy sit you down and tell you that one does not just take and that one should ask if one may take?
In simple terms George, so simple that even you should understand, what happens is you present us with an estimate of where you wish to spend our money and if we agree, then you go ahead - if not, you go back and do your sums again until you get them right.
Oh and any 'shortfall' comes out of your pocket - any surplus gets handed back to us.
Simples really, George - plus it avoids all the paperwork your scheme will generate, no doubt at our cost!
Change of URL
14 years ago
Out of the kindness of his heart the Reich finance minister announces what the money is being spent much for cyanide...
Ah, but it will also generate another 20,000 or so jobs at HMRC to handle all the letter folding, posting and so on ...
Of course, its at our cost, everything the government provides or does comes out of our pockets, a pity neither the Civil Service, nor the MPs, MSPs, MWAs or even the MLAs understand this ...
Rather like Dick Turpin telling his victims how much will be spent on ale, women, oats for Black Bess and the like!
Hear, hear WfW. Very neatly and succinctly put. If only we could see the like appear in the MSM instead of the convoluted, self promoting crap we generally get for debate.
IH: Have always said an AK47 provides a much more permanent solution!
TGM: Can you name one political idea that has not cost us money?
W42: True.
PC: Thank you!
Yes Gideon, where does my Road Tax go ? Which Supermarket uses my VAT to pay Tax Credits and subsidise low wages ?
How much of the interest deducted at source goes to subsidise Banker Bonuses ?
TT: Which, unsaid, was what I was getting at.....
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