Three articles caught my attention where political spending of public money is concerned, all of which show we most definitely do need the power of 'Referism'.
Quiet Man links to a story in the Express about a four day trip to Cannes by politicians, both national and local, during which it is alleged thousands of pounds of public money was spent attending the world’s biggest property fair.
Christopher Booker, in his regular Sunday Telegraph column, reports on the fire at Tilbury and informs us that in order to reduce our CO2 emissions, we subsidise power companies to burn wood which ends up emitting much more CO2 than the fossil fuels it replaces, so that the Government is now told that this should only be allowed if the firms then remove that CO2 by a process so CO2 intensive that it doubles the cost of the electricity, in order to bury it under the sea using technology not yet commercially developed and which, according to various scientific studies, will never work anyway.
Finally, Politics Home inform us that recent research shows Britain's ten worst-performing wind farms are earning a total of £1.3m a year from Government subsidies. The analysis shows the poorest performing turbines produced electricity worth only half that amount in 2010, and that out of 300 UK onshore farms with a capacity of more than 500 kilowatts, only six worked at more than 40% capacity. To cap this little snippet of information, we then find Ed Davey, Energy Secretary, stating that he is no Mystig Meg, just a politician who doesn't know the future. According to Wikipedia, he doesn't seem to know much about the environment either - so why the hell is he doing the job he is and on what basis did the two numpties appoint him?
Is this the way to run a country? Employ people whose main claim to fame is a degree in politics, philosophy and economics? If it is then the degree needs overhauling, cause they sure as hell have no philosophy and, bearing in mind the financial state of the country, they know squat-diddly about economics! Oh and where politics is concerned, read mafia.
How much more time do we allow them before we do string the bastards up?
Just asking.........
Change of URL
14 years ago
The stringing up will be here soon, piano wire, cricket bats anything will do.
contact Me:
live weapons and ammo- for hire
which ends up emitting much more CO2 than the fossil fuels it replaces, so that the Government is now told that this should only be allowed if the firms then remove that CO2 by a process
Absolute mess is it not?
These people have had a charmed life WfW in so much as we have had a mild winter this year - so far.
The wealth is being drained from the people, and the people are starting to realize it - read any comments section of any newspaper.
It's directing the anger in the right direction that's the problem.
we have had a mild winter this year
but the energy bills don't come in until April.....Summer is a better time to riot, it is warmer, the Olympics will clog up the capital, and petrol prices and salad food prices will is nicer weather for rioting.....have you ever seen riots in the winter ?
They take place in May, June, July, August
You can also add the new Cameron 'we'll guarantee first time buyers mortgages' wheeze to your list.
I don't want to see them hanging from lamp posts any more, at least not immediately. I want them to be held personally liable for any and all losses their stupid schemes make.
If it was up to me I would strip them of every single asset they own or used to own if it still within their family, down to and including their underwear. I would turn them out naked in the street and I would bar them from receipt of any public money until every lost penny was recovered.
Nothing will change until some way of making these parasites properly accountable is found.
Isn't it obvious by now that the skills required to get elected have nothing whatsoever to do with the ability to manage a Department of State?
Would anybody in their right mind employ Osborne as finance director of a company? No? Well in that case put him in charge of the national budget. At least Cable once worked for Shell, not that it seems to have given him much idea about business.
Until we have proper public hearings to grill candidates on their knowledge of the subjects they are supposed to supervise, we will end up with the country being run by self-regarding amateurs. The name Huhne springs to mind instantly.
The only evidence needed is the unbelievable mess they have got us into. Our country is run, not to put too fine a point on it, by bullshitters.
At least Cable once worked for Shell, not that it seems to have given him much idea about business.
Why should it ?
Some of those companies are simply like Government departments and would be bust if they weren't so big - they can survive incompetence
CR: If that is you.... In view of my inability to distinguish twixt you and your 'alter-ego' regret that any comments will be ignored.
JH: It is and meanwhile we continue to suffer! Its really is lamp post time!
BJ & TT: It won't be till the lights go out and people have no heating that the lazy buggers will stir themselves - and then it won't matter what season it is!
PC: Like the idea, however my patience is exhausted! I can only repeat Clint Eastwood's film title: Hang'em High! (now)
op: a public hearing appointment committee - now there's an idea I like!
TT: True!
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