With the way in which the present political landscape stands - and whether or not this Parliament lasts its 5 year term - our country faces what may be called Armageddon in that at the next election the people can expect to be governed by Labour; a continuation of the Lib/Con Coalition, or a Lib/Lab Coation; or the Conservatives.
Can any reader, hand on heart, tell me exactly what the difference will be? Will we not continue to suffer the indignity of governance from Brussels? Will we not continue to suffer governance by the State? Will we not continue to suffer, as a result of the governance by the State, yet more interference in our lives? Will we not continue to suffer yet more curtailment of our freedoms?
For those of us who know that our system of representative democracy has failed and has been infiltrated by those with what may be termed a common purpose, what avenue exists for us to make our voices heard other than blogging and/or commenting on other blogs? For those of us who know that an alternative system of democracy exists - one encapsulating direct democracy and referism, or either individually - what opportunity is there for us to get our views more widely known? The only method is utilising the 'services' of the MSM - but what if the MSM does not wish to 'know', or print/repeat our views?
Where are think tanks such as the Centre for Policy Studies or the Bruges Group - organisations that have a virtually immediate access to the MSM? Where are 'independent' journalists, such as James Delingpole, Ed West, Gerald Warner or Simon Heffer - journalists who continually write about the benefits-not of the status quo? I have 'fed' them 'intros' to what are 'matters of concern' on a number of occasions, but to no avail. At the last general election I alerted them to the campaign the Albion Alliance was conducting, one in which those of us involved in that campaign attempted to email every candidate who was standing, requesting that they stood for the return of our country's independence - to no avail. I have 'fed' them 'intros' about the demand for direct democracy and/or referism - to no avail. Or have they too been 'subverted'? Or are they - as are politicians - only interested in their careers?
I am beginning to think, admittedly belatedly, that the PTB (both political and journalist) are indeed members of the same club - due, of course, to their dependence on each other. There is, of course, no point in appealing to Members of Parliament, such as Carswell, Hollobone, Cash, Bone, who are obviously 'career politicians' - likewise Hannan, an MEP - all of whom espouse 'direct democracy' without appearing to completely understand what that form of democracy actually means. Their idea of direct democracy entails no more than continuance of the status-quo, ie continuance of central control by them. Shame on all those named!
Which begs the question whether the only alternative for we the people, who are only too aware of the deficits in our democratic system, is outright, armed rebellion.
Just asking......................
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14 years ago
Rodney Atkinson and I had exactly the same frustrating experience, trying to get bona fide hard news into the mainstream media about German policy over the years.
Just a few examples..
Rodney translated a resolution of the Bundestag during the Kohl era which laid claim on behalf of ethnic Germans to resettle those areas in Poland, the Czech Republic and elsewhere which the German parliament called "historic German homelands".
In the run-up to Poland joining the EU (1994, I think) a high level German policy paper warned Poland "If integration were not to proceed, a future German government might be called upon, or be compelled by its own security considerations, to solve the problems of the area on its own and in the traditional manner". Just to make sure that the Poles got the point, it was released on 1 September, the anniversary of the Nazi onslaught.
The obituary of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was so whitewashed as to conceal his early, voluntary membership of the SS and the continuity of Nazi - style policies through the Bilderberg group which he founded. No corrections were accepted.
...and so on. There was an occasional success in getting some of the facts into a few local papers as readers' letters but no reporting or editorial and in the national press - absolutely nothing.
SO yes, the media is muzzled - just as it was during the policy of appeasement in the Thirties.
which laid claim on behalf of ethnic Germans to resettle those areas in Poland, the Czech Republic and elsewhere which the German parliament called "historic German homelands".
Which of course they were until Churchill and Roosevelt gave them to Stalin. The Benes Decrees are incompatible with membership of the EU.
It is absurd that 3 million Germans had their family homes seized in Czechoslovakia alone and 14 million in total Some were stuck in Camps where deaths were high - in 1945 - by Poles and Czechs. Not to mention the Rheinwiesenlager where deaths in Allied camps were huge and where 750,000 soldiers and civilians were transferred to France as forced labour post-1945
They were "historic German homelands" going back 500 years or more in Moravia and Bohemis and Silesia...it was The Holy Roman Empire until Napoleon smashed it in 1806
which laid claim on behalf of ethnic Germans to resettle those areas in Poland, the Czech Republic and elsewhere which the German parliament called "historic German homelands".
Which of course they were until Churchill and Roosevelt gave them to Stalin. The Benes Decrees are incompatible with membership of the EU.
It is absurd that 3 million Germans had their family homes seized in Czechoslovakia alone and 14 million in total Some were stuck in Camps where deaths were high - in 1945 - by Poles and Czechs. Not to mention the Rheinwiesenlager where deaths in Allied camps were huge and where 750,000 soldiers and civilians were transferred to France as forced labour post-1945
They were "historic German homelands" going back 500 years or more in Moravia and Bohemis and Silesia...it was The Holy Roman Empire until Napoleon smashed it in 1806
"Will we not continue to suffer the indignity of governance from Brussels?"
It's not an indignity WfW - it's a tyrrany. It is unaccountable to the people; it's diktats are unchallengable and as the DT confirmed this week, if our own elected PM ignores EU Law he can be jailed.
It is important to correctly define the level of control exerted by Brussels over the UK.
As for the rest of it - mainstream journalists are not interested in 'hypothetical' proposals for our governance unless they come from an approved source (ie approved by the Establishment).
The serfs are not supposed to have any idea or get above their station in life - which is to do as they are told; work and pay taxes.
It's one of the reasons why I support UKIP: because although progress is slow, they are doing it via the established methods and each small achievement makes them harder to ignore completely.
But good luck and keep plugging away.
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