Monday, 18 July 2011

The infamous 274 - Number 7

Walking, delicately, on stage comes Stuart Andrew, MP for Pudsey - another of those who felt able to 'bung' the IMF a further £9.2billion (Some say £9.8billion but hey, who's counting because MPs aren't) of taxpayer's money.

Richard North, EU Referendum, has covered his background quite extensively and according to TheyWorkForYou, it will come as no surprise why he voted the way he did. He appears quite free with orther people's money as TWFY reports that he voted strongly for a rise in VAT.

As Richard North stated, Andrew should feel quite at home in the Conservative Party because whilst believing in his right to choose a certain way of life, he obviously disagrees with the right of others to do likewise, having voted strongly for a smoking ban.


Ian Hills said...

Let's take the money out of their expenses.

Anonymous said...

Surely, if these wankers are voting to "loan" British tax-payers money to the LMF knowing that it will not be paid back they must be held in Ultra Vires, they cannot have the power to throw money down the drain, knowingly.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

I: Don't think they will live that long.......

A: Good point!