Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The infamous 274 - Number 1

That is the number of MPs who supported the Coalition's decision to bung the IMF an additional £9.2billion when the vote, without a debate, was taken in the House of Commons late last night, on the draft International Monetary Fund (Increase in Subscription) Order 2011.

Richard North is hoping to publish over the next 273 days profiles of each and every one of the 274, having started this evening with Nigel Adams, MP for Selby and Ainsty.

It is the intention of this blog to link to Richard North's post on these 274, each and every day - and it would help if other blogs did likewise. These bastards need to be 'named and shamed' to the widest audience possible!

Of the remaining 130 MPs who were not present, perhaps the question should be asked of them where they were and why - allowing of course for the Speaker and his Assistants etc.


Anonymous said...

Great idea WfW.

Restoring Britain said...

I'm in! This sort of thing is exactly what I'm talking about. They do it because they think (and to a point they're correct) that we aren't watching. Like cockroaches they want to work in the dark so its time we turned on the lights.

What this makes abundantly clear (if it wasn't already) is that faced with a decision of what is good for the country versus what is good for their place at the trough, their place at the trough will win out every time. That is where our power lies because it is us that gives them that place and with suitable organisation we can take it away. That's what's in my localism manifesto. Just like a lion, don't attack the herd, pick them off one by one by legal and democratic means.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

BJ & RB: Thanks. Also intend adding to RN'S post with a few choice comments!

kenomeat said...

I think we should make these people suffer the way old people suffer on estates run by feral kids i.e. make them afraid to go out on their own. Target them physically with paint and eggs, or at least with verbal abuse. Write slogans on their walls such as "We want our money back". They will soon get the message. Maybe the EDL would like to have a crack at them.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

k: Sorry but waste of eggs, paint and voice - just hang the bastards as so much simpler!

kenomeat said...

wfw: I understand and share your anger, but I'm looking for practical measures.

PeterCharles said...

I fully agree with Kenomeat in this, only when these people are held personally accountable in some way and learn they are the servants and not the masters will things improve or the possibility of direct democracy, localism, referism or whatever being introduced arise. Without some measure of accountability nothing will change short of bloody revolution.

The global economy and particularly the European economy is in an imminent state of collapse, I think all here are agreed on that, when it comes perhaps there will be an election and perhaps there will be sufficient public revulsion to see a UKIP, or hopefully UKIP mark 2, government elected which might just be the salvation we need. However, these people are still wannabe politicians so nothing can be taken as certain.

Of course, if politicians ever came to accept that they are servants and not masters that are expected to work long and hard in their jobs there will be a sudden and distinct shortage of candidates, but that might well be the best thing, the biggest problem we have is being over-governed. In truth I suspect when the proverbial hits the fan rather than an election we will see elections cancelled and a government of national unity installed so they can all cover their arses. The only answer then will be bloody revolution.

Barnacle Bill said...

It's a pity we can't brand them - TRAITOR would look good across their foreheads!

WitteringsfromWitney said...

k: Point taken.......

BB: Regardless of whether they hang or not, yup quite agree........

PC: As ever, a most sensible comment and one with which I can but concur.

"...when the proverbial hits the fan rather than an election we will see elections cancelled and a government of national unity installed so they can all cover their arses."

and of course Labour introduced legislation for just this event - and yes, the only answer then will be a bloody revolution, most definitely!